From Macabre to Mysterious is a collection of horror, thrillers, mysteries, science fiction, and spine-tingling stories. Some titles now available on Amazon Kindle books, more to come.
NEW Halloween Story:
Don't Go Out In The Woods Tonight...
Stories from my "Darkest Tales" collection:
Seasonably scary stories
A Halloween Fantasy
For Science Fiction Fans
Visions of a future event portend a woman's murder.
A champion to watch over her.
Retirement doesn't necessarily mean no excitement.
Mayhem in Suburbia
A Cereal Killer
Cold Dose of Reality
Sometimes things are not exactly what they seem.
A science fiction thriller.
A walk at dusk becomes a trek into terror.
This tale is psychologically twisted.
© 2008 Sharen Nehoda
*NOTE: All works herein are covered
under Copyright Law.
Only under expressed and prior agreed upon
permission will any of my creative works
be allowed copied or reproduced
in anyway. Please use the Guest book below to contact me for further information.
Sites you may find of Interest:
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GuestBook by
September 11th, 2001
With prayers for those lost